Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008

LED Technology Surpasses Other Lighting Technology

by: Ben Anton

LED, or light emitting diode, technology is something consumers are hearing more and more about from television advertisements, magazine ads and news reports. However, very few people understand why this light source is such a powerful alternative to traditional lighting. The advantages of LED light sources over other technologies are numerous but can be simplified into two main categories: 1.) energy efficiency & longevity and 2.) power & versatility.

Benefits: Energy-Efficiency & Longevity

- LED light bulbs generate only trace amounts of heat, resulting in nearly all of the electrical energy consumed being used toward creating the light itself. Incandescent, halogen or fluorescent lights can use up to 90% of their energy consumption producing heat-carrying infrared light photons which do not produce visible light.

- LED light bulbs produce more light per watt of energy.

- Standard LED light bulb are estimated to burn for 35,000 to 50,000 hours at full capacity before requiring replacement (some high-quality LEDs even boast 100,000 hours). Incandescent burn for 1,000 to 2,000 hours.

- LED technology is perfect for applications that are frequently turned off and on, like flashlights. Fluorescent bulbs burn out more quickly when they are frequently switched on and off.

- LED light bulbs are solid state components, which are difficult to break, unlike incandescent, fluorescent and halogen bulbs which have internal filaments that can easily break.

Benefits: Power & Versatility

- When compared watt-for-watt to an incandescent bulb, LED light bulbs produce more light per watt than any other light bulb.

- A single LED bulb can produce twice as much light (as measured in lumens) as a traditional bulb.

- LED light bulbs light up quickly, providing full brightness in micro-seconds.

- LED light bulb are much smaller than regular bulbs making them perfect for a variety of applications

- LED light bulbs do not use any mercury.

- LED technology is designed to focus the light better for a more intense, bright light.

- LED light bulbs maintain their color when dimmed, unlike incandescent bulbs which turn yellow.

- LED light bulbs can be built to emit color without using costly colored filters, which drive up the cost of traditional colored lights.

With these benefits, LED light bulbs can be used in a countless number of applications. Hunting, fishing and camping enthusiasts can be confident that with a LED flashlight in their gear, they will have adequate, powerful light that will last for days on one set of batteries and years on one light bulb. They will also be pleased to find this technology built into a number of form factors, all specifically designed for specific activities – headlamps for cave hikers, flexlights for fishermen, lanterns for campers and torches for hunters.

Home owners will be able to see power consumption reduction and lower electric bills within one month by transitioning light bulbs in the kitchen, bathroom or living room to LED replacement bulbs.

Perhaps one of the best reasons to switch to LED light sources is to lessen your footprint on the environment. By switching to LED light bulbs, you are not only saving money by using less energy, you are also helping the environment by preserving our resources. In an environment that needs the earth’s inhabitants to use less and save more, LED technology lights the way.

~Ben Anton, 2008

About The Author

Ben Anton lives in Portland, OR and writes for Coast Portland, an outdoor equipment retailer specializing in sports knives and LED light equipment. You are invited to visit our site and read more at

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